Is counselling covered by extended health benefits?

Often health benefits plans do cover counselling services provided by Registered Clinical Counsellors, however it varies from plan to plan. Please check with your health benefits provider or plan to see if you have coverage.

What is your cancellation policy?

24 hours notice is required to cancel or reschedule a session. If less than 24 hours notice is provided, the full session fee will be charged. Cancellation fees will only be waived in the case of emergency, such as car accident or other medical emergency.

How accessible is your office?

There are four wide steps descending into the office. The office has a small bathroom, though it is unfortunately not wheelchair accessible. A wheelchair accessible washroom is available in the nearby café if required.

For those with scent or environmental allergies, the office is equipped with a HEPA air purifier, and we maintain a scent-reduced space. Please avoid wearing perfumes or scented products to your counselling appointment.

The office has overhead, non-fluorescent lighting.

What COVID-19 precautions do you take?

Please see below for a list of protocols and procedures we take to reduce COVID-19 risk.

If you have any other questions, please connect with me via email and I will do my best to answer them.


COVID-19 Protocols and Procedures

  • 24 hours before each in-person appointment you will receive a COVID-19 assessment form via email to be filled out. If you are feeling unwell or present with sore throat, coughing, sneezing, runny nose, or other flu-like symptoms (that are unrelated to known allergies) please contact to move your session to an online or phone appointment, or to cancel/reschedule (24 hours notice required).

  • The office is equipped with an air purifier with a HEPA air filter.

  • Hand sanitizer and a sink for handwashing is available.

  • Cleaning of all common-touch areas will be conducted between client sessions.

  • Please arrive on time for appointments and not early, so as to ensure time for cleaning between sessions. If you are early feel free to wait in Fernwood Square until your appointment time.

    The above protocols and procedures are subject to change, according to the guidelines issued by the BCCDC and the Provincial Health Authority